Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Guilty Pleasures

I have completed the first half of my first week. So far I have experienced all but one of my classes. (Stupid Thursday night class!) So in deference to my status as a student once again, I decided I must make a list of guilty pleasures that I will likely indulge in more often then I should in the coming four months.
1. Obsessively checking my email, even when I haven't sent any, even when there's no possible way anyone could have responded yet.
2. Reading books for fun-- you know. . . novels, not theology.
3. Sheets French Fries- for those unfamiliar, Sheets is a gas station, and they have the best french fries I've ever eaten.
4. Chocolate should always be on this list.
5. Blogging when I should be reading Christian Ethics (yes, the evil class has returned and it even includes a session on abortion, God help us)
6. Daydreaming about what I will do when I'm not reading Christian Ethics.
7. Obsessively planning my schedule-- to the point that I have to plan a time to plan my schedule (I might have a problem)
8. Making yummy things to eat or looking for recipes for yummy things to eat.
9. The tv show Las Vegas.

Okay, for continuities sake there should probably be ten, but for the moment I've run out of things to write. Maybe more will come. Of course, I'm always open to suggestions. I almost put coffee on the list, but decided it was a necessity, not a pleasure. Sleep also falls into this category.
Well I suppose that's enough of this guilty pleasure.
On with the show.


At 8:55 PM, Blogger Kari said...

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At 8:57 PM, Blogger Kari said...

Let's try this again.

Yep, you're definitely an obsessive compulsive student. I'm referring to the list. Lists are the only thing that make it possible for me to get half the things done that I have to do. Tonight when I cleaned off my desk (it was like conducting an archaeological dig; I found receipts from September), I found the list I made of the pieces of my Halloween costume. Without it, I probably would have been only half a Leeloo.


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