Monday, June 05, 2006

How NASCAR is like Seminary

I went to my first NASCAR race on Sunday. It was free, minus the gas and parking, which was one of the major reasons I went. Since I tend to try to make connections in most things in my life, in about the middle of the race, (when it was a little boring) I started thinking about how NASCAR is like seminary. I was also spurred on by a conversation I listened to in faculty meeting last year about how if professors really want to encounter the "other" they should all attend a NASCAR race together. I decided that my first NASCAR race was very much like my first seminary class. There was some excitement in the air, but a definate lack of understanding of the terms. I knew what was going on for about the first ten minutes, then I got lost for a little while. Then something would happen and I would know what was going on again, and who was ahead. Then I would lose it again. This cycle continued until close to the end when the real excitement was that it was almost finished. Of course, my first seminary class did not include cars in flames, people drinking beer, or someone getting thrown out for ripping another guy's shirt, but aside from that, they were remarkably similar.
So in response to the faculty discussion, I think they should attend a NASCAR race. It would help them know how the rest of us feel.


At 1:53 PM, Blogger amylea said...

Dude, I think that describes Grad School in general. Except most of us aren't interested in encountering the Other. Just me.


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