Tuesday, July 18, 2006

We have agreed on a couch

Okay, so this shouldn't be big news, but when you've spent as many hours couch shopping in the last month as I have this is great news. Like choosing dishes, and silverware, choosing a couch together is something of a dance. We spent lots of time in all the furniture stores, sitting on every couch, often more than once. I have short legs, which I usually fix by wearing big shoes, however, this does not work when it comes to couches. I am apparently abnormal hieght according to most couch manufacturers (and most jean makers, but that's another story), so I don't fit in most couches, by fit I mean that when I sit in them my feet don't touch the ground. So we finally found one that is not too puffy (a requirement for Brandon) and that wasn't in some hideous print (a requirement of both of us) and that I actually fit in. Oh yes, and it had to be in our budget. So given all those criteria I was under the impression that I would be spending every free evening from now until we moved in looking for the perfect couch. But as it turns out, we didn't need to do that. YAY!
I could write more about the furniture shopping adventure but it will have to wait for another day, because Brandon and I were both bumming internet from the laundromat, and he is ready to go. And I need to go to bed.


At 8:23 AM, Blogger Kari said...

My parents spent a good 15 years, probably more, trying to find a replacement couch for the living room. My mom wouldn't pick it without my dad's approval, and my dad didn't give a flying crap what she picked. They finally had a new couch the last time I visited. And yes, my mom (and I) also have trouble finding couches that fit us.


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