Monday, August 21, 2006

To my anonymous blog readers

I have recently discovered that I have some phantom blog readers (like Grandma Edie) who cannot post responses, but are reading about my life anyway. So I am dedicating this post to those of you who are reading without my knowing it. (of course those of you who can post responses are welcome to read this as well).
Life is busy but good these days. Half of my apartment is packed into boxes (the other half is Brandon's stuff and won't be packed until the last possible minute, which in this case is Thursday night.)
I'm attempting to work 30 to 40 hours a week and after September 15 I will be fully employed, a status I've never had before, because I have been offered another half time job to fill my time at the seminary. So in addition to being the seminary communication coordinator I will also the the director of culture of call (a role which is being reworked and redesigned) not that that means anything to any of you out in cyberspace. However, it means that technically my job is only an interim and will end on December 31, at which time I will be able to apply for the "new" job.
Other good and interesting things are also happening. As of September 4 Brandon will be "Internet Sales Manager" for Hartman Motor Sales. It's something of a promotion, because now with manager status he won't have to report to the other sales managers. It also provides a base salary along with commission so he will have a definate income each month.
There are probably other exciting changes I haven't written about yet, but it's time for me to get back to work.


At 1:19 PM, Blogger amylea said...

You still win the prize for staying in one place the longest. Lucky you?

At 2:03 AM, Blogger Kari said...

Why is it that men simply don't understand the concept of getting organized before a move? Mark has twice as much stuff as me and has promised to get rid of half of it, but first we had to move it all to the townhouse...granted, his available storage space was about half the size of mine, but still, none of it was in boxes, so we had to box it up as we went...and there's STILL some of it out there floating around in various locations...


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